February 2, 2010

freshwind dramatic- full

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Woot! The Freshwind video is out. My brother and I worked all Christmas on it. My first editing gig ever! My brother did all the awesome aftereffect-ness. We did this promo for a youth conference coming up at my church Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF), check out their website. Make sure to come, it's going to be super awesome!

The first video is the full long vision and the second is a 30 second cut.

4 lovelies:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love them.

You did a really great job of cutting down the full version to 30 seconds. And I am picky!

Jon Long said...

great job guys!!!

Belinda Carmen Love Lee said...

Thanks guys! it was actually super fun cutting it down, I felt like a legit movie trailer cutter person. ha

Unknown said...

aww B, this is AMAZING! I can't get over how pro this is... too sweet! You and Bryan did a good job. I can sense God smiling on you both.