March 1, 2010

retired from blogging

Sorry I'm going to retire for blogging for the meanwhile schools just a little more than I expected! See you soon. :)

February 23, 2010

oh dear I'm so behind

I'm sorry I haven't been posting I'm super busy with school and I just got back from New York! I promise to start designing soon!

also the Freshwind video we designed got featured on Church Media Design last week! Sweet!

February 13, 2010

freshwind live promo

This is the other 30 sec promo Bryan and I made. It'll be aired on a Christian channel on TV, sweet!

Here are the epic promo posters that go with it.

February 12, 2010

friday features: rider knits

This is my friend Whitney and she knits for this company called Rider Knits. The super cute hair band she's wearing in this photo is designed and knit by Krystyn Coombs!  For such a cute, warm and also organic hair band it's only $45, so sweet. I'm defiantly going to get myself one. Visit to shop.  

February 11, 2010

yet another flash

Practicing my flash skills. The reason why I never post the actually url of my sites are because they stink, they're super long with all those / ~ / . things.

February 10, 2010

hbw; dog park visit

Today the sun was beaming so I thought I'd go visit the dog park close by my place.

February 9, 2010

them family jewels

Some pics I took today, and Amy K commented that it was pretty 'designer'! So I thought I'd feature this designer photos. I designed the black one there on the very right, yay!

February 8, 2010

inspirational flash sites

This is a mini I did for class, just practicing my flash! Take a peak!

February 7, 2010

verse-a-sunday: romans 8:37

So sorry I've been um... what do you call it come to a creative block some what. Oh dear, so I've not blogged for about a week. I've just not really done anything creative really for about a week. But... not to worry I declare that this creative block has come to an end!

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
- Romans 8:37

February 2, 2010

freshwind dramatic- full

Please let video load!

Woot! The Freshwind video is out. My brother and I worked all Christmas on it. My first editing gig ever! My brother did all the awesome aftereffect-ness. We did this promo for a youth conference coming up at my church Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF), check out their website. Make sure to come, it's going to be super awesome!

The first video is the full long vision and the second is a 30 second cut.

February 1, 2010

design brief- flash website

Here's a little booklet I made for class, it's all nice and romantic. Just like the love life I wish I had...

January 29, 2010

friday features: katelyn bishop

An amazing graphic design and good friend, Katelyn Bishop is one of those designers that whatever she touches turns into sometime beautiful! She just revamped her site, and it is super sweet.

January 28, 2010

pizza parlour and the other brother

Chilling with my brother at Big Slice the other day, the pizza pretty good. One of the best pizza according to blogTO. This is my other brother, Bryan.

January 27, 2010

miss. bokeh

So my internet friend the other day called me by the name Miss. Bokeh, that's my new electronic name.

January 26, 2010

baby brandan

This is my brother, Brandan he's about 1 years old and a couple months. Sometimes when I just go through my photos and I see him I just tear up because I only want the best for him. And I'm just his older sister, I guess being a mother would be even more overwhelming like that but times a thousand.

January 25, 2010

bumble bee miss lee

Well this week is going to be photography week... simply because I have a lot of projects to do, and I'm sort of behind hm. Some of my friends use to call me bumble bee miss lee. Spot the bumble bee!

January 23, 2010


I was away at Orangeville, and had an amazing time there. The next video I'm doing will be based on the shots I filmed there. Thought I'd share a little of it's beauty.

January 22, 2010

friday features: jasmine ruth allen

Yet another amazing creative friend. I'm just so cool like that, I know all the creatives. (meant to be read in a very ditsy voice)

This is my friend, Jasmine Ruth Allen, and she currently at OCAD taking painting. She just started her blog, check it! She is amazing.

ps. Away for the weekend so might not be able to blog, but I'll try my best!

January 21, 2010

the story of vania- in flash!

I worked all day on this animation. It's pretty simple but very cute, the bird does some crazy stuff! Here are some behind the scene screen shoots. Watch the animation here.

January 20, 2010

bokeh flyer

 I made up a happy bokeh day club flyer, random I know.

January 19, 2010

something found: sweet n' low and button

Just found this on my table, with all the other random mess and things with it. Thought it was very 'designer'. And yes, I designed the composition!

January 18, 2010

the story of vania

More book record things. I always wish I could fly a bird.

Ps. I really don't know what the story of vania is... hmm. If you've read the book before let me know!

January 17, 2010

verse-a-sunday: psalm 139:16

My room mate was collecting old children's books, and she gave me all the old school book record things. (What do you call them?) So I thought it was pretty and decided to do something with it. 

...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. - Psalm 139:16

January 16, 2010

cut to pieces

I didn't like what I was doing so I got frustrated and cut it to pieces.

January 15, 2010

friday features: amy killoran

Friday features is a new things I've started for 2010! Basically every Friday I'll be featuring an Indie artist with amazing work. This week I have my good friend Amy Killoran, who is an all round everything, designer, illustrator you name it. For more Amy, check out her portfolio, her blog and her photo blog!

ps. I got my comments working! YAY.

January 14, 2010

owl duplicity

I'm falling in love with owls.

January 13, 2010

love bubbles to haiti

I drew this fish blowing love bubbles to Haiti. Prayers and love towards all them. Have a heart for Haiti, donate with compassion to help with disaster relief.

January 12, 2010

burritos, tacos and more owls

Something random, decided to owl heads on top of the chipotle menu. Thought it was kind of cute!

January 11, 2010


This week I'm kicking it back to water colors!

January 10, 2010

verse-a-sunday: exodus 3:13-14

Exodus 3:13-14

13 Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?"

14 God said to Moses, "I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.' "

January 9, 2010

diy: head band art

I made another headband, this time fur all around. It's actually really hard to take a good photo of yourself with out looking super coincided huh?

January 8, 2010

friday features: sparrow house studios

With 2010 around, I've decided to start a new thing called 'friday features'. Every Friday, I'll be featuring an amazing artist on here!

Today I have Sparrow House Studios with me, the work by an amazing photographer and friend Sarah Wu. She does some amazing stuff, if you're ever looking for a photographer in HK get her to do it for you, seriously. Guaranteed epicness. For more on Sparrow House Studios, visit

In this photo specifically are my two friends who just go married, congratulation Patsie and Justin! So cute!

January 7, 2010

freshwind 2010 poster

Over the Christmas, my Brother and I were working on a promo for a coming up conference at my church, TACF. Our first legit big scaled paid gig, pretty sweet I'd say! Here's the poster I designed for it. I'm trying to get to you asap the video but first we gotta get the music approved by the artist. It is that legit, we're doing everything the legal right way! For more info visit:

January 6, 2010

hbw; the bokeh is back

Welcome back to a very happy bokeh Wednesday! School started for me today, I just have to say it is such a blessing to be in school.

Hope you missed me much!

January 1, 2010

happy new year!

For reals, we're living in the future now. 2010 just sounds so futuristic doesn't it.