October 31, 2009

diy; my lil' pony box

Made a my lil' pony box today. What I did is basically covered a box with the my lil' pony coloring book. It covers amazingly over old boxes, notebooks etc. I mean com'on who doesn't like them, they're so adorable. The bottom photo is of 2 notebooks I covered a while back, I am such a my lil' pony girly girl.

October 30, 2009

month of august

Month of August, it's my favourite design by far, what better than blue and pink together.

OH and so exiting, so today I went shopping at Urban Outfitters and I got two books I've been eye-ing for at least 2 years on crazy sale you will never guess how cheap I got them. They're both amazing illustrative artist I've been following for years. Both the books have amazing names, Like I give a frock by Kat Macleod and 100 girls on cheap paper by Tina Bering. Original they cost all together approximately $50 but today I got them both together for only $7, really, like get out, I am so blessed. I don't usually feature other work here, but this is just way too exciting, I had to share. Go get a copy at Urban Outfitter's right now.

October 29, 2009

sneak peak

Here's a sneak peak page of an upcoming site I'm building featuring the best work on this blog, to be finished by the beginning December. How exciting!

October 28, 2009

hbw; take courage

Lesson that inspired me today: take courage. It belongs to us.

Almost forgot to say Happy Bokeh Wednesday!

October 27, 2009

month of july

5 more months to go yay.

October 26, 2009

month of june

Hey June, yay half way done the year woot!

October 25, 2009

verse-a-sunday: galatians 3:26

This is how good our God is.

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

October 24, 2009

month of may

Here's May. Watched Where the Wild Things Are, cute but much more depressing and serious than I though would be hm.

October 23, 2009

font crush: museo

My current font crush is Museo, it's just so beautiful, and it's actually won a couple of awards:

MyFont Best Font 2008, MyFonts Rising Star, Current # 17 in Best Sellers. The three styles of museo 300, 500, 700 are free to download, get it while it's still free, student living style.

October 22, 2009

the lovely imperfection

My first actually stop motion, called The Lovely Imperfection.

For my thesis I was inspired by my brother's poor eyesight. Often we see visual impairment as something defected but when seen as an art, the out- of-focus and blurring of color and objects, is something very beautiful indeed.

October 21, 2009

hbw; bokeh love

Best day of the week, Happy Bokeh Wednesday!

October 20, 2009


This post from flickr inspired me.

Had a long day of studying boo...

October 19, 2009

month of april

Hello April! Right now I'm working on studying for my research exam, what fun.

October 18, 2009

verse-a-sunday: psalm 33:6

Got these awesome photos from hubble telescope for free, go download! How awesome is our God that such beautiful stars are made by him. :)

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. Psalm 33:6

October 17, 2009

month of march

March time, ugh make me think of the cold weather that's soon here. brr.. I do not like.

October 16, 2009

month of february

Month of my birthday, yay with my favorite color too! ps. the no blue rules over, counted the days and yesterday was the last day, woho.

October 15, 2009

month of january

I decided that my pieces here are just way too random, so I gave myself a theme to make a 2010 calendar, I'll be so completely ready for it, sweet!

October 14, 2009

hbw; happy bokeh wednesday!

Happy bokeh wednesday!

you might ask, bokeh what's that?
The word Bokeh pronounced boke-aay or boke-uh, derived from Japanese language meaning "fuzzy or blurry" a photographic term referring to the appearance of out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a low aperture camera lens. Essentially, to achieve bokeh the camera lens is to be adjusted to a shallow depth of field causing light distortion in the out-of-focus areas of the image into blurs of colors and shapes.

From now on every wednesday is bokeh day, just as it is on flickr!

October 13, 2009

good things come in 3...in this case 5

All good things come in 3, geometrics inspired me today again and the number 3, random much? Was feeling kinda lazy and uninspired today, maybe because of the long holiday and of course the turkey.

october, 12, 2009 | font crush: amandine

I've been pretty much obsessed with this font recently. Not the usually font I'd go for, fairly girly, but it has a nice crafty feel to it. Get it free at dafont.com.

october, 11, 2009 | verse-a-sunday: amos 15:5

Simple and straight to the point written in Amos 5:15 Hate evil, love good.

october, 10, 2009 | be my sunflower

So I went to my uncles for the break it was by Lake Simico, in a town called Geogia, probably the most suburban place I've ever been before, pure bliss.

october, 9, 2009 | by my house side

Finally finished finding the track for this. By My House Side is the very first stop motion I've ever made, it's only 10 sec. Photos taken with Canon 40D. Finished the video 2 weeks ago, just added audio today, so it doesn't count as blue right?

October 9, 2009

gobble gobble

Will be away for thanksgiving at my Uncle's cottage with no internet, so don't be expecting any work until after the break on Monday. I'll make up for todays too. Happy Thanksgivings, time to get super full on turkey gravy and cran mm. :)

October 8, 2009

epic fail

So I finished designing and putting this book today for one of my classes, without realizing that I designed it in blue (the color I'm not suppose to use this week) until my friends highlighted it to me. Shows how much I love the color blue, I designed without even realizing, wow, I failed... ugh. To make up for this failage, I will be push on this no blue design challenge for myself to design another week without the color blue. buh bye blue for a good too weeks.

October 7, 2009

drool like i do

So this is my 9 month old cute lil' half brother, Brandan. Wouldn't it be funny if there was a hip hop song called 'Drool like I do', random I know...

ps. amy- it's my baby fever

October 6, 2009


I don't usually make things so dark in color, but since this week is all about designing without the color blue, why not black and white?

October 5, 2009

bread clips love

Something super random, my roommate Liberty always collects the most random things, like plastic bread bag clips, so I though I'd make something cute out of it. Plastic bread clips are actually real awesome, I did a little research- they're like little eco-friendly multi-taskers, find out 10 different ways to use them here.


Oh Yeh, I don't know if you've figured I tend to design everything, like everything in the color blue. It's just my absolute fav color and I can't seem to get away from it, ugh. I'm going to challenge myself this week to not design anything in blue, nothing...

October 4, 2009

verse-a-sunday: romans 13:14

So here's the idea, I am crazy in love with Jesus Christ. I am a big christian geek, and I'm proud of it, nothing in my life could measure up to how much Jesus means to me. I thought I share a little bit of this unconditional love he's poured out on my life through designing some awesome typography pieces of verses that have hit my heart for the week.

This weeks is Roman 13:14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

October 3, 2009

count triangles today

I was totally bored today so I made a game for myself and my roommates. Why don't you give it try, count triangles today?

ps. tonight is Nuit Blanche, yay!

October 2, 2009

still rainy outside

So today toronto was super rainy. I only went out to get groceries and that's it, I really don't like it when it rains, thought I'd capture the mood.

October 1, 2009

don't burst my speech bubble

Geometric speech bubble is what inspired my today. I went to hit up the library yes, and found some awesome Japanese designs as inspiration, nice, simplistic, just my style. I think geometrics are coming back as a trend, I see it everywhere hmm...